- Disclaimer
The ASSETS4RAIL maintains this website to enhance public access to information about the project. The goal is to keep this information timely and accurate. If errors are brought to its attention, we will do our utmost to correct them as soon as possible
The ASSETS4RAIL accepts no responsibility or liability (including, but not limited to, any direct or consequential loss or damage that might occur to you and/or any other third party) arising out of, or in connection with the information on this site, including information relating to the documents it publishes. The ASSETS4RAIL cannot be held liable for errors, inaccuracies or inconsistencies with regard to texts available on its website being different from the scientific and administrative documents officially adopted, issued or endorsed by its responsible governance bodies. In case of disagreement between the adopted text and the document made publicly available on the website, the official text will always prevail.
Information published on the website:
is supposed to reflect the information and state of knowledge available on the date it was adopted or endorsed;
is not necessarily comprehensive, complete, accurate or up to date
is not to be interpreted as professional or legal advice (if you need specific advice, you should always consult a suitably qualified professional).
The ASSETS4RAIL encourages organisations and individuals to create links to its website under the following conditions:
links must not be used in a defamatory context;
links to the website should not be displayed in a manner which suggests endorsement of any commercial product or service or of any scientific or administrative output or of the information or text in the context of which it is published;
links should not confuse users of the other website as to the source of the content. The ASSETS4RAIL-project should be fully acknowledged as a source or author of the relevant documents;
links to the website should not be displayed alongside advertising.
Some website pages link to other external websites. The ASSETS4RAIL is not responsible for the content of any pages referred to from its website. Users clicking and visiting another site are subject to the policies applicable to that site.
3. Copyright notice
Copyright © for the entire content of this website unless otherwise stated: is ASSETS4RAIL. Re-use is authorised, provided that the ASSETS4RAIL is acknowledged as the source of the material. For individual documents, the general principle of re-use outlined above may be subject to specific conditions as indicated in individual copyright notices contained therein. Therefore, users are advised to refer to these individual copyright notices.
The EASSETS4RAIL logo is the exclusive property of ASSETS4RAIL and it’s partners. Its use is prohibited without the prior written permission.
4. Usage of the website
Personal Data Protection
Through this privacy policy, EURNEX E.V wishes to notify anyone browsing and accessing the website http://www.assets4rail.euabout the ways in which their personal data is processed.
Accessing the website does not require prior registration. Before sending any request for information using the contact form on this Website, the user is required to accept the privacy policy, and give their express and informed consent for their data to be processed for the purposes indicated.
In accordance with EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 regarding the protection of individuals in regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, as well as Organic Act 3/2018 of 5 December regarding the protection of personal data and the guarantee of digital rights EURNEX E.V in its capacity as Data Controller for the personal data provided, provides you with the following information:
Who is the controller of your personal data?
- G66210345
- Hardenberg Strasse 12, 10623 Berlin. Germany
- info@eurnex.eu
- +30 3199 7021
- info@eurnex.eu
Why do we process your personal data?
The data provided in the contact form will solely and exclusively be used to:
- To manage the use of the features made available through the website.
- Keep them up to date on the news and services provided by EURNEX, if they grant their express authorisation for the latter purpose.
There could be forms on our website that collect users’ data for specific purposes. In these cases, this will be subject to the specific terms and conditions in each case.
Is it compulsory to provide all the information requested in the forms on the website? Regarding the form on the website, Users must complete the spaces marked “compulsory”. If they do not complete the required personal data or only partially provide them this could mean that EURNEX is unable to deal with their requests and therefore EURNEX will be exonerated from all liability for not rendering or not fully rendering the requested services.
The personal data that Users provide to EURNEX must be current data so that the information in our records is up-to-date and error-free. Users will be held liable for the data provided being true.
What is the legal basis for processing users’ personal data?
The legal basis for processing personal data is the consent granted by accepting the personal data processing clause.
How long will we keep your personal data?
The personal data will be kept while the reason lasts for which they were provided and their deletion or cancelation has not been requested.
To whom will users’ data be disclosed?
Data will not be communicated to other third parties, except where there is legal obligation to do so or with the express consent of the data subject.
International transfer of data:
No data will be transferred internationally to third countries outside the European Union.
What are users’ rights regarding their personal data?
The data subject has the right to withdraw his/her consent at any time. We also inform you that you may exercise your rights of access, rectification and erasure (right to be forgotten), restriction of data, data portability and objection, by sending a letter to EURNEX E.V or by sending an email to info@eurnex.eu.
The data subject may lodge a complaint with the relevant data protection supervisory authority – (The Federal Commissioner or Data Protection and Freedom of Information) www. bfdi.bund.de. Address: Friedrichstr.50, 10117 Berlin, Central telephone number: 0228/997799-0, Central e-mail-address: poststelle@bfdi.bund.de
What security measures does the company have in place?
EURNEX informs you that its processing of personal data is done at all times in accordance with applicable data protection and information society services regulations.
EURNEX has in place the necessary technical and organisational security measures to ensure the security of the User’s personal details and to avoid them being altered, lost, processed and/or subject to unauthorised access, in accordance with the status of technology, the nature of the data stored, and the risks to which they are exposed, whether this is through human action or the physical or natural media, in accordance with the provisions of applicable law.
Social Networks
EURNEX has profiles on different social media websites in order to advertise and publish information about the services it renders through its website, to interact with the users and to use these networks as a channel for social encounters and interaction.
We provide links below to the privacy policies of the social media websites where EURNEX has an active profile:
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/privacy
- LinkedIn: https://privacy.linkedin.com
The policy on the processing of personal data by the Union institutions is based on Regulation (EU) 2018/1725;of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018
You can browse through the website without giving any information about yourself
Handling of data collected by external service providers:
Online Contact Form: by means of the Contact Form, personal data (email address, name) are collected. If users send us personal information by email, or by filling out a form on our website, that information is used to respond to the messages and to help us to provide the information requested. Unless indicated differently for a specific tool, after answering, the ASSETS4RAIL may keep personal data for a maximum of 6 months.
e-Subscriptions via the website:the ASSETS4RAIL relies on the external service provider www.mailchimp.com for the registration and management of subscriptions to its newsletter. Your personal data (name, e-mail account) are processed solely for the purpose of your newsletter subscription and related services (alerts, notifications) and the data will under no circumstances be shared with any third party unrelated to this purpose.
You can always and at any time decide to withdraw your subscription to the newsletter list.
Cookies and Analytics – how do we use cookies
Session cookies: A session cookie exists only in temporary memory while the user navigates the website. Session cookies are deleted when the user closes the browser.
How to control cookies
You can control and/or delete cookies as you wish – for details, see aboutcookies.org. You can delete all cookies that are already on your computer and you can set most browsers to prevent the use of cookies. If you do this, however, you may have to manually adjust some preferences every time you visit a site and some services and functionalities may not work.